February 2020 Meeting

Tugela Room - Southern Sun Maharani Hotel 63 Snell Parade, Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Topic: A life less ordinary How do you bring Nelson Mandela into our lives as if we were having a conversation with him? Sing with Annie Lennox or experience President Barack Obama as if we’ve met him? There is a world out there many of us will only ever view from a distance and yet what…

February 2020 Workshop

Crazy Korean 23 The Promenade, Glen Ashley, Durban North, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Topic: Backup Bootcamp - Photo Organisation Are your digital photos a complete mess? Do you feel confused about ‘backups’ and ‘the cloud’? Are you worried your hard drive or phone will crash and…

March 2020 Meeting

Tugela Room - Southern Sun Maharani Hotel 63 Snell Parade, Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Topic: Be uniquely you – rising to the challenge From humble beginnings when starting her career in banking through the assistance of a Learnership Programme, to successfully flourishing in the…

March 2020 Workshop

eDeaf Offices 180 Steve Biko Road, Durban, South Africa

Topic: MAILCHIMP MADE EASY One of the most effective (and cheapest) forms of marketing today is email marketing and list building.  If you have a database and are not engaging…