Celebrating 30 years of

Positive women working together for success

Are you a woman in business in KZN? Looking for networking opportunities, business support, and interaction with other business women? KZN Women in Business is the organisation for you!


Founded in 1995, KZNWIB is a non-profit organisation that offers emotional and business support to women seeking personal and business growth. From the first-time entrepreneur to the professional executive, KZNWIB provides a platform for growth through our monthly networking meetings and regular charity events.

Our monthly meetings are held in Durban on the first Thursday of every month. You are welcome to attend meetings as a guest (non-member) first before deciding to become a member. Our meetings offer KZNWIB members:

  • Regular networking opportunities
  • Promotional gifts / offers
  • Space to display your products and services
  • Fundraising activities to support our chosen charity
  • Presentations and workshops by guest speakers and industry partners

Grow your business, grow yourself! BECOME A MEMBER

Join this ever-expanding group of dynamic, supportive women.
Find out what you can expect as a member, and submit your application today.

Find a member! Looking for a service provider?

Are you looking to support local KZN women in business? Search our member's directory for your ideal service provider.

Featured profile of the month

Business Profile: Brigid McCleary

Business Profile: Brigid McCleary

11 November 2024
What is the name of your business and what is your role? I'm a Financial Advisor with a franchise of...

latest Blogs & Resources

Chairlady’s Musings: Motivation!

Chairlady’s Musings: Motivation!

Well, here we are, beginning of Feb and a I am patiently waiting for my motivation, my oomph, my mojo...
Chairlady’s Musings: January

Chairlady’s Musings: January

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful break and managed to rest, recharge and spend time with...
Chairlady’s Musings: A Work in Progress

Chairlady’s Musings: A Work in Progress

Dame Maggie Smith passed away two weeks ago. What a loss to the arts, she was one of my favourite...

Our committee 2024-2025


Front Row (Left to Right): Nicci Hosking, Tilanie Grote, Tanya Fleischer, and Benni Thompson.

Back Row (Left to Right): Arisha Ramsaran, Robyn Keulder, Natasha Lee, Rozanne Kruger, Ann Druce and Emma Dunk.

Kind words


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