Kate Oliver of iNsingisi Spa
18 February 2015
At the October 2014 KZNWIB meeting I won a half-day spa voucher for iNsingisi spa.
I finally managed to get there during the December holidays and what a treat! It was 96km from my home and easy to find from the Camperdown off-ramp. I was treated to a lovely continental breakfast (including bubbly!) then had a series of three massages over the course of the morning, followed by a delicious lunch, chocolate brownie for dessert and fudge and Amarula to round it all off! My hubbie took the kids for a picnic and swim at Tala nature reserve while I was being treated. I don’t think I’ve ever had such good massages!
Highly recommended! Thanks so much!
Testimonial by :
Ann Turner
Ann Turner & Associates
[email protected]
Posted in Testimonials