June 2021 Workshop

ZOOM Meeting

Topic: True North Workshop In this interactive and highly introspective workshop you will define the 4 essential elements of your personal compass which will keep you on track to reach your specific "True North" in life. These critical elements include: Your top 5 values Your key relationships Your top 5 energisers or motivators Your personal…

July 2021 Workshop

ZOOM Meeting

Topic: Designing for Social Media using Canva This workshop will cover the basics of design, teaching tips and tricks for using Canva, share a bit about where to source images to use and what you can and can't do with images online. The focus will be on designs for the various social media platforms -…

August 2021 Workshop

ZOOM Meeting

Topic: Real Conversations about Money Join us for real conversations about money - what women want, what women need. We will discuss key steps you can take to help maximise your wealth and own your financial future. Susan will be led by questions from our panel and will answer all the questions you have on…

September 2021 Workshop

ZOOM Meeting

Topic: In conversation with Susan Abro, your questions will be answered In this workshop, Susan will discuss all your legal questions pertaining to; The rights of children to legal representation…

October 2021 Workshop

ZOOM Meeting

Topic: Resilience and the Art of Self-Coaching As humans, we are resilient by nature. However, we often become overwhelmed by the busyness of our daily lives that we forget how to call upon this innate wisdom. Join Richard as he walks you through the practical steps of how you can reawaken the resilience that lies within you…