Words of thanks to Senta
Senta :
I looked up the meaning of your name and could not have agreed more with what I found.
Senta, when you started your leadership of KZN WIB two years ago, life seemed so normal. You stepped up and took the helm not knowing just how turbulent the time ahead would be. When COVID hit, you plotted a course and lead us through unknown territory and unbelievably stormy seas, and you set a standard that has left all of us in awe and full of admiration.
When people were isolated, lonely and scared, you stepped up and gave of yourself, and your time, hosting weekly connect sessions to give members an opportunity to talk, reflect, cry and share. You held space for others while going through your own tough time, never once wavering in your commitment to lead this incredible group of ladies. You encouraged and inspired them and continually gave empathy and strength as and when it was needed.
You also used the opportunity to embark on a fitness and eating regime which put many of us to shame. At a time when so many were withering, you blossomed, and I have no doubt whatsoever that it was because you were living your true calling. You were conquering and you were showing others how to conquer.
There are 2 quotes that make me think of you.
- Marilyn Monroe said “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” You, my friend, set the trend and I have learned so much by observing your shoes, grace and style. Look at these shoes…… WOW!
- Napolean Hill said “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self”. You invested in yourself while simultaneously investing in others and you have come through this period healthier, happier, and stronger and I have no doubt, super excited about the future before you. You have bravely conquered your fears and helped us conquer ours.
I find it fascinating that you love the desert so much. It seems to me that there is something deeply prophetic in your love for Egypt. You are like an oasis in the desert of life to others. You may have gathered food by the carload and become a single-handed courier ninja, supplying endless amounts of food to the needy during the riots, but it is way more than that. Senta, you are a nourisher, you are an encourager, and you give of yourself to help others feel alive, refreshed, and rejuvenated. You build others up and help them find the confidence deep inside them. You are like the bubbles in the champagne, you bring sparkle and life to each moment and person. This is who you are, and I am honoured to know you and have been mentored and lead by you.
I will always think of you when I sip champagne!
Thank you, my friend, madam chair, Senta the Conqueror.