Chairlady’s Musings: September
This month I think I need to call it random 3-am ramblings. Not sure what is going on, but sleep seems to be evading me. My head just seems full of plans, ideas (very good ones may I add…😊), lists, things to, social media posts to create. Is anyone else feeling a bit topsy turvy? I guess I can’t always blame a retrograde, aligning of the planets or the moon. So I will just take you through my month that was and a few things that I’ve learned:
One of the reasons I love my job is the amazing events I get to photograph, which means I get to hear some incredible speakers. Last week I listened to Dr. Masito Mzamo, CMO of Google Africa. He was brilliant and funny as anything. One of the many nuggets he imparted was (loosely quoting) “Don’t be a chop, but if you are a chop, be good at it and be consistent at it”. Now this was referring to being a boss and a leader, but I guess it can apply to us daily as humans. So, in a world where things seem hard for so many people, be kind and don’t be a chop!
This also brings me to the point of, always surround yourself with amazing people, people who are aligned with you and your life and your goals and your journey. To quote Jim Rohn – “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So, make sure your circle feeds your soul, uplifts you and cheers you on. If not, move on, you are not a tree. No chops!
My little rant – something that has been bothering me for some time, and it ties up with my first writings on pricing, I get a tight chest, tingling in my neck and I feel my inner “Karen” appears when I read on the social pages “Please can someone recommend a _______ that won’t cost an arm and a leg”, Please recommend a _______ where I don’t have to sell my kidney” – PEEPS!! To me this is straight up rude and disrespectful, but I try and calm down (and never respond, other than in my head!) and realize, the person with the money block is the one asking these questions. Isn’t it amazing how the question is hardly ever about customer service, quality or value. I do like myself a good freebie, and attend many free events, but I make a point of attending events that I pay for too. If I don’t show respect to other service providers by paying them, how can I expect potential customers to want to pay for my services. Just something to ponder.
I’ve been reading the book The Choice by Edith Eger, an Auschwitz survivor. It is so beautifully written about a horrific backdrop. What I take away from the book is the title – The Choice. The one thing we all have to our disposal every single day, every hour. The choice is ours, how we show up in the world. Regardless of the situation, it is our choice how we will behave and react. Choice comes from within, and no-one can take that away from us. Your life, your choices!
In closing, may the only chops in your life be the ones on the braai during the BOKKE games!