Meeting Survey We'd love your feedback on our meetings The MeetingsWhy do you attend KZNWIB meetings?Rank in order of importance to you. Click and drag (or touch and drag) to re-order this list from most important (top) to least important (bottom)To network with other womenTo listen to the guest speakerTo catch up with friends attendingTo look for business opportunitiesIf you have not attended the last few meetings, what has the reason been? Had another engagement Speaker did not interest me Money constraints Time constraints New 8am start time is inconvenient What Guest Speaker Topics interest you the most?Rank in order of importance to you. Click and drag (or touch and drag) to re-order this list from most important (top) to least important (bottom)Business RelatedSelf-improvementFeel GoodDiversity and EqualityEntrepreneur JourneysBusiness Opportunity in SAHas the new start time negatively impacted your attendance to meetings? Yes No The start time changed? Do you feel you get value for money out of your monthly meeting breakfast fee?Speaker, Breakfast, Gift, Networking etc. Yes No KZNWIB Business OpportunitiesWith regards to opportunities for your business to gain exposure that KZNWIB offers, please rank the ones you use/feel are important tools that are offered.Rank in order of importance to you. Click and drag (or touch and drag) to re-order this list from most important (top) to least important (bottom)FacebookInstagramYouTubeArticles/Blog Posts on the WebsiteSponsorship of meetingsSponsorship of workshopsPaid for mailers/newslettersWorkshopsWhat topics would you like to see offered for our monthly workshops?Topics that have been covered before include: Bookkeeping Branding Canva Excel Facebook Google / Online Marketing Instagram LinkedIn Mailchimp Makeup / Beauty Marketing Planning / Vision Boards Vlogging WordPress Other, please specify below Other Workshop topic ideas.GeneralHow many networking groups do you belong to or regularly attend?12-34-55+How many people are in your business / organization?*1-5 people6-20 people21-50 people50+ peopleDo you have any general comments about the meetings that you would like to share with us?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.