
Members Profile – Teagan Sandstrom, Famous Publishing

teagan-sandstrom1. What is the name of your business and what is your role? The business name is Famous Publishing, We are a media 24 owned business and I am an advertising sales executive.
2. Describe your business in two sentences. We are publishers of glossy community magazines that aim to inform the community about events, business developments, social events and news in the area. We aim to provide articles and interviews highlighting the best of what the Ridge and Crest communities have to offer while profiling personalities and movers and shakers who make these great communities what they are.
3. How long have you been in business? Famous Publishing is about 12 years old.
4. How did you get into this business? Via networking.
5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced, and how did you overcome it? I am still very young, I don’t have many areas in my life that have been too challenging. Or perhaps I’ve been fortunate enough to have easy sailing.
6. What single trait/skill could you not have succeeded without? Confidence.
7. What is the best business advice you’ve received? Give all types of people the time of day and really listen when they speak.
8. Your secret to business success is? NA
9. What is your business goal for 2016? Better manage my time.
10. Tell us one thing that not many people know about you? I could drive a car and motorbike by age 11 🙂

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Mel Gard