Ann Turner – Ann Turner & Associates

Position in Company
Industrial/Organisational Psychologist & Work Performance Coach
Years in Business
Describe what your company does in 2 sentences.
Analyse jobs in organisations, compile competency maps, assess and interview people to identify potential and measure work performance, coach and train people to improve their work performance and job fit.
What is the first thing you do every morning?
Run 10k’s with Regent Harriers
What is the best business advice you ever received?
Don’t give up within the first 2 years!
Who would be your top three people to invite to dinner? Think celebrities, historical figures, whoever you like!
This took me a very long time to think about! I think they would be:
1. My paternal Gran – she had such a sense of humour and infectious laugh.
2. Eric Ngubane – he is a trail runner who works at a sports shop in Durban North who just won the 100k trail run in Cape Town.
3. Andre Vermeulen – he lectured a neuroscience in coaching course I attended and was so encouraging and motivating. My favourite quote of his (talking about different kinds of intelligence) is: “How can someone possibly be dumb when they’ve got 80 billion brain cells!”
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be and why?
Turquoise/ Aqua – I love the colour of clean sea!
What is your favourite place on Earth and why?
So many to choose from! Maybe the Comores, where my husband and I went on honeymoon.
Where do you see yourself in five year’s time?
Work-wise: still consulting independently, preferably still in Durban, still helping people to understand themselves and the people they interact with.
Family: In 5 years, my daughter will be 16 and my son will be 14 – those of you with teenage kids, you tell me!
Personally: I’d like to have run 9 Two Oceans’ ultra’s by then!
Tell us one random thing that few people know about you.
I hate the taste of liquorice.