Member Profile – Sandra Thomas, Satin Candy

What is the name of your business and what is your role? Satin Candy Bra Boutique – I am the owner
Describe your business in two sentences. We specialize in the correct fitting and measuring of bras. We stock bras from A cup to N cup. W
How long have you been in business? 6 years
How did you get into this business? A friend used to import large cupped bras for her daughter who was horrified to wear the granny bras that were her only option in the South African market. I saw an opportunity and we went into business together. It began with selling bras from the boot of my car. Eventually I bought her out and opened my first shop; the size of a broom cupboard.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced, and how did you overcome it? Starting the business at the start of the recession in 2009.
What single trait/skill could you not have succeeded without? Optimism and expectancy
What is the best business advice you’ve received? Say yes and then figure out how.
Your secret to business success is? Surround yourself with the right team.
What is your business goal for 2015? Open a third boutique in Ballito.
Tell us one thing that not many people know about you? I have a fantastic singing voice.